Thursday, January 24, 2013

Pregnant with Number Two!

I found out I was pregnant with my second child way back in October 22, 2012.  It was a Monday morning and I woke up feeling awful from a terrible head cold.  I took Brandon to daycare and went back home and tried to go back to bed.  I wanted to take some cold medicine but knew I was trying to get pregnant and my period was due a couple days later.  I decided just for the heck of it to take a pregnancy test and used one of the First Response Early Result tests and at first glance did not see a line.  Then after waiting the allotted time on the instructions, I looked down and saw a very faint second line.  I was really excited at that point and called Sean at work and told him.  I then took another test the next morning and it was a darker line.  Since it was so early and my period was still due a few days later, Sean and I waited about a week to tell our parents and siblings.  We chose not to tell any of our close friends until Brandon’s birthday (when I was about 9 weeks pregnant) after seeing and hearing the heart beat at the first ultrasound.  It took us a few months to get pregnant this second time around.

First faint pregnancy test taken 5 days before my period

All 5 pregnancy tests I took
Showing Brandon and Daddy the positive pregnancy test

Brandon showing Daddy the positive pregnancy test
This pregnancy has gone by a lot more quickly than my first pregnancy, but I have been so much more tired and sicker during the first trimester.  I never threw up during my first trimester but I would feel nauseous whenever my stomach would go empty every 2-3 hrs.  I had strong aversions to meat and loved Taco Bell bean burritos.  I was also so much more tired this second time around.  I think part of is going to work and then chasing around a 2 year old who wants your attention constantly.  It is lucky though that Brandon was old enough to sleep through the night so I was able to get plenty of rest.  I have been going to bed early but then having strange dreams throughout the night that I remember so my sleep is not always restful. 

We got to have our first ultrasound at almost 9 weeks and the ultrasound confirmed my due date of July 4, 2013 (it was in line with my cycle).  Looks like we might have a little one right around firework time!  I was excited to be off on maternity leave during the summer and to not be super pregnant during
the really hot months as it usually does not get warm in Oregon until after the 4th of July. 

First shots of our little one at almost 9 weeks
Ultrasound at 9 weeks
I got to have a second ultrasound at almost 14 weeks.  It was amazing to see the development between those five weeks!  The baby looked much more like a baby and had feet, arms, and legs.  This little one is quite a mover and would not hold still for them to get the measurements needed.  I was told at my 14 week appointment that I had placenta previa as my placenta was completely covering my cervix.  They are going to have to monitor that, along with my cervix which shortened with Brandon, every 3-4 weeks with an ultrasound.  We are hopeful that the placenta previa might correct itself with time as the uterus expands to hold the baby.  I am hopeful that I will not need bed rest this time around (would be really hard with an active 2 year old).  My next appointment is at 17 weeks so we will see.  

Moving around like crazy at almost 14 weeks
A sweet little foot 
It was amazing how the baby's hand was developed and how it was moving around
Profile shot at almost 14 week ultrasound
I have been obsessed about is trying to figure out the sex of the baby!  I took several online quizzes as a baking soda test where you put baking soda in a cup and then add your pee and if it fizzles it is a boy and no fizz it is a girl.  3 out of the 4 times I had no fizzes, so maybe it’s a girl?  Sean swears it is a girl for some reason too.  We will see and hopefully maybe I will find out at my 17 week ultrasound.  The other thing that I have been crazy with is organizing the whole house.  I got a new toy storage organizer for Brandon and organized all his toys.  I completely cleaned out and organized the laundry room with plastic bins.  Last weekend, I completely cleaned out the third bedroom (our guest bedroom) closet and donated 5 bags of stuff to Goodwill.  I am excited to meet this new little member of our family!

Pregnancy Shot at 8 weeks-barely a bump

Pregnancy shot at 14 weeks-starting to get a bump

Monday, January 21, 2013

Christmas Holidays and New Year's Eve

Sean and I were happy to have the entire week of Christmas off and to have some time to relax with our family.  Unfortunately, the day that our vacation began Brandon came home from daycare with a fever of 101 and a really nasty cold that was beginning.  Our poor little guy had the fever for three days until Christmas Eve.  He was still not feeling well even on Christmas.  Sean’s parents came up and spent the Saturday before Christmas with us on their way up to Seattle.  Brandon was just coming down with his illness then and so was not too much fun. 

Unwrapping his present from Grammy Pammy and Papa

Happily playing the piano in Corvallis

 We headed down to Corvallis on the 23rd of December and stayed in Corvallis until December 27th.  Due to his illness, Brandon was not acting like his normal cheerful self.  We watched a lot of Elmo and Thomas the Train.  Brandon loves the movie The Polar Express as well.  Brandon also got to experience our annual Christmas Eve tradition of eating sandwiches and Hot and Sour soup from Kin Tin under the Christmas tree.  He liked that quite a bit.

Christmas Eve and all dressed up

Get out of my way Dad I am watching Elmo!

Christmas Eve under the tree

Christmas Eve Tradition: Eating sandwiches under the Christmas tree

Brandon enjoying his dinner
Christmas morning Brandon perked up to open up his Christmas presents.  He really liked ripping the wrapping paper and playing with his new toys.  His favorite toy was an airplane set given to him by Santa.  He also enjoyed taking baths in my parent’s big Jacuzzi tub.  Brandon had a lot of fun playing with his Aunties Rachel and Tory and Gramsie whom he now calls “Cee Cee”  as it is easier to say that Gramsie and he loved sneaking down to Baba’s room as well.  Sean and I got to go see the Hobbit as Rachel and Tory babysat Brandon, which was really nice.  All in all it was a really fun holidays!

Brandon and Grasmie Christmas morning

Coloring Christmas morning

Christmas morning

Christmas morning having so much fun opening presents

Loving unwrapping the presents!

Play dough set from Gramsie
Gramsie Brandon watching some Elmo Christmas morning

Playing with the Christmas village Christmas morning

Enjoying a nice jacuzzi!
We had our annual New Year’s Eve dinner party at our house.  This year we had 12 guests!  We had a three course fondue meal and Sean made a yummy truffle fondue from scratch.  We had steak and chicken for our second course and then chocolate fondue with doughnuts, fruit, and cookies.  I skipped the meat course and went for the cheese and the chocolate!  Brandon and Logan had a ton of fun playing together until it was bed time.  The first thing that Brandon asked for the next morning was “where is Logan?”  He was hoping he had stayed the night.  The adults had fun playing board games and hanging out.  I am proud to say we all made it to midnight (although I did not make it much past midnight).  It was very fun seeing all of our friends and ringing in 2013 with the ones I love!

Brandon so happy to see his friend Logan on New Year's Eve

Brandon and Logan

Brandon was the life of the party dancing to the music

Playing with the blocks with Logan