It has even a challenge to get the kids out the door in the mornings but has gotten easier. Olivia blessed me the first week of going back to work sleeping through the night until between 6 and 6:30 four out of the five days. She hadn't done that since two months. She began sleeping much better and now usually just gets up once a night usually in the early morning around 5:00 AM. I lay out the kids clothes now for the week all organized. I do the kids laundry on Saturday and ours on Sunday and usually a kids load during the week. Thank God we have a house keeper too who comes every other week.
I have to be at work by 8:30 and I usually am up at 7:00 at the latest. I get dressed and ready myself while Olivia sleeps or plays on my bed. Then I get her dressed and Brandon dressed and we go downstairs. Brandon watches one 20 minute show and eats breakfast. I make coffee and my breakfast and then eat it while nursing Olivia and then we are off usually by 8:10. I always pack my lunch the night before and have everything in the car ready to go.
I pump in the morning at work and in the afternoon and spend my hour lunch break feeding and playing with Olivia at her daycare. I am so lucky because her daycare is so close to my work. It's really hard to leave Olivia and I miss her a lot . I feel like she is such a part of me. But she seems to be sdjusting well and is happy when I pick her up. The first week with the bottle was rough but now she is taking about 3 ounces twice a day and often has oatmeal there.
It has been a bit of an adjustment too for Brandon who was not used to sharing his school with his baby sister and who was used to shorter days when I was not at work but he is adjusting as well. It helped that I took mon and tues of Christmas week off and only had to with twice that week. It also helps that my mom is watching both of them on Thursdays and just Olivia on Fridays. Makes for a much shorter week for them and Olivia gets two days of cuddling and being held.