Wednesday, February 15, 2012

January 2012

Brandon got his first ear infection this month and had to go on antibiotics.  The antibiotics cleared the infection right up.  He was weighed about halfway through the month and weighed 26 lbs 6 ounces.  I did not measure him height wise.  I love the opportunity to start a new Year but hate the month of January in Oregon.  Its so rainy, cold, and dark.  The days are so short.  This makes it hard for me to entertain Brandon as we can't go outside and play after work.  We continued to do Gymboree this month which was a great way for Brandon to exert energy and exercise.  Brandon got really good at climbing things at Gymboree this month and got much more sure footed with walking.  He began running even.

Playing with his elephant toy

Running at Gymboree

Playing with the parachute at Gymboree
Brandon stopped nursing this month.  He just did not want to nurse any more and wanted cow's milk instead.  He loves cow's milk and could drink it all day if we let him.  It was sad to have him stop nursing as it was proof that my little baby boy was growing up.  Brandon now sleeps about 11.5-12 hours a night (usually 8:00 PM-8:00 AM) and naps still twice a day-usually a short nap in the morning and a longer one in the afternoon.  This boy loves his sleep!

Brandon got his first hair cut this month.  We went to Little Clippers in Lake Oswego and got his hair cut.  The haircut place had a little car that he got to sit in while his hair was getting cut.  Brandon always has had a lot of hair.  It was sad to see them cut his curls but I knew that they would grow back.

In the car about to get his hair cut

Those adorable curls about to be cut

Brandon's first hair cut!

Almost done!

Brandon gave his hair cut a thumbs up!
Towards the end of January my mom came and visited for several days to keep me company.  It was so nice to have another adult around in the evenings to talk to and help out with Brandon while Sean was working.  We went out to dinner and watched silly HGTV shows and took Brandon to the park as the weather was dry.

Playing one morning

Swinging at Cook Park-it was cold!

Swinging away

Running around the playground

Brandon loved being outside and playing on the playground

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