March ended up being a really fun month. Sean adjusted to his new schedule and enjoyed his new job. He took a week off before he started his new job and I took a couple days off and we went wine tasting and shopping together and enjoyed some couple time while Brandon was in the daycare. The weather also happened to be good several days this month so we were able to get out and play.
Wine tasting at Sokol Blosser where we became wine club members |
Driving my Dad's convertible |
Hanging out at Cook Park |
Laughing with Daddy at Cook Park
Brandon and Logan at Cook Park on the airplane together
Brandon had his 15 month check up in March and weighed in at 28.5 pounds and was 33 3/4 inches tall. He was in the 98 percentile in height and 95 percentile in weight, a big boy overall! We started transitioning Brandon to one nap a day (a long one around noon) and he did great. He typically naps in the afternoons for 2-4 hours. Brandon also started napping with the "big kids" on a sleeping bag in the living room with the other kids at day care.
Brandon enjoying his play piano
Brandon on St. Patrick's Day-his shirt says "I got your pot of gold right here"
Brandon and I on St. Patrick's Day
Brandon became much more vocal this month. He points at dogs and says "doggie." He is really understanding what we tell him much more and listens to simple commands like "put ball away" and performs the action you request him. He also added the word "bye bye" to his repertoire of words. He likes to imitate animal sounds as well. Brandon physically became more confident in running and climbing on things. He graduated to the next level in Gymboree (Level 4) and enjoys his new class a lot. Towards the end of the month, Brandon also got three of his first year molars all at once (which made him a little crabby).
Brandon's new favorite toy his bouncing Zebra
Believe it or not, it snowed quite a bit in the middle of March!
We took Brandon to OMSI for the first time. He had a great time and really enjoyed the water room. He splashed around and got soaked. I know we will have many more fun times at OMSI in years to come as well too.
Playing with the fake food at OMSI
Playing with the train at OMSI
Brandon loved the water area at OMSI
He got pretty wet by the end
At the end of March, Brandon and I took a trip with my mom to visit my sisters and my Aunt and Uncle and cousins in California. Since Sean had just started his new job he stayed behind. It was so fun to see everyone and to get away from the crappy cold Oregon weather we had been having even it was just for a long weekend. We went to Santa Cruz and Brandon had a ton of fun playing on the beach. We had a party for Rachel's wedding and I got to meet a lot of Rachel's friends and we had a crafts day working on Rachel's wedding favors. We had a fun poker night and took Brandon to the park. It was exhausting though watching him to make sure he was not getting into things he was not supposed to be getting into!
Watching our plane arrive
Strapped in on the way there (there were extra free seats)
Mama and Brandon in front of Santa Cruz
Playing in the ocean with Gramsie and Auntie Rachel
Brandon loved the ocean
Enjoying some good Santa Cruz icecream
Playing outside of my Aunt's house in Los Gatos
Brandon and his best bud Lucky (My Aunt's Labrodoodle)
Fun crafting day
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