Our good friends Brooke, Taylor, and Logan Mowery (Logan is
7 months older than Brandon) along with our friends Rosie and Thomas and their dog Dixie got a beach house
in Seaside about 4 blocks from the ocean for Memorial Day weekend. Brooke, Logan, Brandon, and I drove
over to Seaside in Brooke’s minivan as the husbands had to work later. The boys enjoyed riding together in the
van. Brandon got to have his first
Happy Meal in Seaside for dinner and of course he liked it! When we got to the beach house, the
boys went crazy after being cooped up in the car all day. They ran around the house like crazy
kiddos. I had to run around the
house and baby proof it quickly.
Happy Brandon before leaving for Memorial Day weekend
The Daddies and their boys-Brandon and Sean and Taylor and Logan the first morning
Logan and Brandon playing on Logan's fire truck at the beach house
Brandon and Logan loved to hug after naps
Happy boys after their naps!
So cute!
Playing in the grass in the back yard of our beach house
Brandon pretending to "sleep" on the coffee table
The babies got up early around 6:30ish the whole
weekend. The first day we went to
the beach. Brooke and I went
shopping during the babies naps at the Seaside Outlets. The boys really interacted with each
other the entire weekend. It was
so cute; they would look for each other in the morning and after naps and hug
each other. Logan called Brandon
“B” and I swear Brandon said “Logan” (which is easier to say) several
times. They would run around
looking for each other in the house all the time and babble to each other a
lot. Watching them interact made
me realize how much Brandon will eventually enjoy having his own little sibling
in the future (not now though!). They
loved the beach house because it had a huge fenced back yard that they could
run around. We went on a walk at
the Seaside Boardwalk and went to little shops and got yummy candy at this huge
candy shop. We found swings on the
beach and Brandon loved swinging.
That night we BBQed and played board games and went into the hot tub
after the babies went to bed.

Brandon playing on the beach in Seaside
Brandon and Daddy at the beach
Walking on the sand
Brandon and I
Brandon getting a lift back from Dad
Smiling on the swing at the beach
Logan washing Brandon's hair in the bath
The next day we went on a walk in the morning and played on
the beach near our house. Logan
and Brandon loved digging in the sand and playing with their buckets. We went into Cannon Beach for dinner at
this yummy fish and chips restaurant that Taylor and Brooke had gone to in the
past. The boys loved playing at
the beach before dinner. Brandon
ran towards the ocean and even stuck his feet in the ocean and was good about
not running into the ocean and being careful. It was a really fun weekend and when we got home we were
Thomas pushing Brandon in the swings
On the swings at the beach 4 blocks from our beach house
Brandon, Sean, and Rosie all swinging away
Running on the sand at Cannon Beach
Sitting in the sand near the ocean at Cannon Beach
Logan and Brandon playing in the sand at Cannon Beach
Look how far they came: Logan and Brandon Memorial Day weekend 2011 in Tilamook
(Brandon was almost 6 months old and Logan was one year old).