On June 2, 2012 Brandon turned 18 months old. I can’t believe how much he has grown in the last 6 months. He went from being a barely walking, wobbly baby to a running and talking little toddler. He is looking more and more like a little boy each day and less and less like a baby. It is sad but also happy at the same time because Brandon is at such a fun age. He is interested in everything and is learning new words and taking in so much so rapidly. He is also starting to get more independent with his playing and definitely more defiant about doing what he wants to do. We have had several tantrums lately when he has not gotten to do what he has wanted to do. The worst one he had was when he had to wait 20 minutes for his chicken enchilada to cook!
Brandon playing on his toy at 18 months |
Brandon at 18 months playing with his soccer ball |
Brandon is so much more social with other kids lately. He loves his friend Logan (my best friend Brooke’s son who is 7 months older) and has really been engaging with kids his own age at Gymboree class. He loves to hug his new “friends” although he sometimes ends up tackling them because he does not know his own strength and size! He still loves his friends at daycare, especially my daycare provider’s daughter Kaylee who just turned five. There are two baby girls at daycare too now who are 6 and 7 months old who Brandon is really good with. Brandon is now repeating what we say often. He can say a few sentences, like “what is that?” and “let’s go” after we say it. He can probably say about 30-40 words and seem to be learning new words each day. He is getting better at sitting still and letting us read to him again. We try to read 2 books each night before bed.
Brandon and I at 18 months |
Brandon on the stairway at 18 months |
Playing with Daddy |
At his 18 month appointment, Brandon was too big to be weighed on the baby scale (it only goes up to 30 lbs). They weighed me and then me holding him and estimated him to be at around 31 lbs. He was 34 ¼” (although I think they measured him wrong and he was a hair taller). He was in the 93% in height and 96% in weight. My doctor was not concerned about his weight and height at all and just proclaimed him to be a proportionate boy! He is about the size of most two years and is in 24 month and 2T clothes. I am excited for the changes that the next six months will bring!
Brandon playing in his toy car in the backyard |
Watch out mom, before you know it I will be driving1 |
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