I can't believe my baby boy is two! He has changed the most in the past year from a wobbling barely walking one year old to a confident running and energetic two year old. Looking back at this year, there has been so many milestones and happy times. Gross motor skill wise, it has been amazing seeing Brandon develop from barely being able to walk to where he has now. This year he has learned how to walk more confidently, then walk quickly, and then run. He is a fast little runner now. He is very good at balancing on things, loves climbing the stairs and even going down the stairs holding a bannister now on his own and not crawling down the stairs like he used to. He also recently in the past two months learned how to throw balls and other objects over hand. We have to be careful because all of a sudden he will see an object and just grab it and he can throw far! At his 2 year doctor appointment, he weighed in at 34 pounds and was 37 inches tall! He was in the 98 percentile for both height and weight.
Brandon is still a very social guy but he is becoming more sensitive to his environment and scared of strangers and people he does not know well. He loves the two babies at his day care who are now walking all over the place as well as the older kids. Over the past year, it has also been really cute to see Brandon and his friend Logan (my best friend Brooke's son who is 7 months older) friendship really blossom. They genuinely care about each other and are very excited to see each other. Logan affectionally calls Brandon "Baby B" or "B." Every time they have to say goodbye they hug each other. Brandon is also pretty good at playing with new kids he meets at the playground.
Brandon's first birthday a year ago |
Brandon's first birthday |
Such big changes in one year |
It has been amazing seeing how much language Brandon is soaking up and learning each day. At the beginning of this year he went from saying "Mama" and "Dada" to stringing two to three word sentences together. It seems like he is learning several new words a day lately. It is still sometimes hard to understand him but for the most part through gestures and through his words he can really communicate. Brandon loves watching Elmo on TV, which I think helps him learn new words (and lets mommy get stuff done around the house). He also loves all trains and watching U-tube videos of trains on mommy and daddy's iPhone.
The most amazing thing over the past year has been watching Brandon turn into a little person. He has such a little personality now. I think he has a good mixture of Sean and my personality, but definitely has some of mommy's stubbornness in him (which can be a good thing). Brandon definitely knows what he likes and what he does not like. He is still and always has been an awesome sleeper. We were lucky this year because he was really only sick once the entire year.
We celebrated Brandon's birthday party with close friends and family. Brandon loved having his good friend Logan to play with. Logan helped Brandon unwrap all of his presents and they had a ton of fun playing with the new presents. We also had yummy cake and cupcakes as well as a variety of other yummy finger foods and mimosas for our guests.
Brandon's Elmo airplane cake |
Brandon's birthday shirt that I made him |
Cheers to the lolly pop! |
Opening up presents with Logan |
Daddy and Brandon having fun with presents |
Brandon loved his car ramp from Brendan and Sara |
Mommy and Brandon about to blow out the candles |
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