Sweet baby girl turned two months last Friday. I can't believe it has been two months. It seems like Olivia has been with us much longer. Olivia has changed so much in the last four weeks. She consistently coos and sometimes in the middle of the night I wake up to hear her cooing and talking to herself in her crib. She started consistently cooing about two weeks ago and loves to look you in the eyes while you are holding her and coo and talk to her. While I talk to her, she moves her mouth like she is talking back. Olivia first started to consistently smile much earlier than most babies her age I believe at only 3 weeks old. She would smile at me and big brother Brandon only at first. The last four weeks though she began smiling consistently at anyone she knows who is talking to her. Much to her Daddy's delight she has really warmed up to him and has emotionally begun responding to him much more.
Photo shoot in our backyard at 6 weeks |
Such a cutie |
She's really smiling now |
Love the smile! |
Fast asleep-I think she woke up quickly after |
Future BFFs-Oligia and Addie |
Physically, Olivia is very strong and big like her big brother. At her two month check up yesterday, she weighed in at 12 lbs 4 ounces and was 23 3/4 inches tall. She was in the 80 percentile for weight and 90 percentile for height. Her head was in the 60 percentile. She is still wearing 0-3 month clothes pretty comfortably although I imagine we will be switching over to 3-6 month clothes in the next 2-3 weeks. Olivia had to have three shots yesterday which she hated. She got a little feverish about two hours after and was screaming a lot. I gave her some baby tylenol and slept most of the afternoon on me and then was almost back to her normal self by the evening. She can already hold her head straight when I pull her from a laid down position up to her legs. She loves standing on her legs and is constantly moving her legs. I don't remember Brandon being as active as she is with his legs. She seems so much smaller than Brandon but percentile wise girls are smaller on the charts than boys. At the same age, Brandon was almost two pounds heavier but only 1/4" taller. Olivia likes to kick so much that she has kicked herself out of her bouncy chair once (when we did not have her strapped in). Luckily, she was alright. She also has almost kicked herself off the couch (I was there watching her). She has rolled over several times from stomach to back (although I am not sure if it was on purpose) and has consistently been rolling over to her side since about 4 weeks. In fact, last night I found her asleep on her side when I went to bed. She is beginning to use her hands more and reach for things. She likes to suck on her hands and on her dress.
Big brother Brandon helping out with a bath |
Olivia loves her bath time! |
Big brother Brandon and Olivia hanging out on the couch |
In the last week, Olivia has been sleeping longer and longer stretches. She slept through the night from 10:30-7:00 AM on her two month birthday. She then slept through the night again on Friday from 9:30-6:30 but then had several days after that where she got up once a night usually around 3:30-4:30 AM. She slept through the night for the third time last night from 8:30 PM to 6:30 AM the longest stretch she has gone yet. I have started putting Olivia to bed earlier too around 8:30-9:00 PM because she has been so fussy and tired around then. It is hard because Brandon goes to bed around that time too but Olivia gets to have story time and I tell Brandon his story in our room while I am nursing and rocking Olivia and then Daddy helps Brandon brush his teeth and get into bed. Olivia no longer sleeps in her Rock N Play bassinet and now sleeps in the Pack N Play Crib still in our room. She sleeps swaddled now with both hands and has been sleeping a lot better (before we had left one arm out).
Some tutu shots at 8 weeks |
Mommy you are so silly dressing me up like this! |

Olivia loves her rainforest play mat, which was a hit with Brandon as well. She also loves her big swing that goes back and forth and can sometimes sit in it for forty five minutes. She enjoys mobiles a lot. We have one that is over her swing and one over her crib. We plan on transitioning her to her own room and crib when she is four months old. I like having her in the room right near me so we can check on her if needed and hear her well. Olivia does not like her bouncy chair as much as Brandon I think it bores her because she likes to move so much and she can't as well. In the swing she can kick her legs around. Olivia is also doing much better in her carseat. During the first 3-4 weeks of her life, she would scream whenever we put her in it and would not tolerate going on walks in her stroller that had the carseat attached. Now she tolerates the carseat well and I can go on walks with her which is really nice. I am hoping to begin running with her soon as I have a really nice jogging stroller.
Kicking at her toys at 8 weeks |
Staring intently at the lights on the play mat |
Having so much fun under the rainforest mat at 7 weeks |
Crazy girl in her swing at 6 weeks |
Such a silly expression |
She loves kicking those legs |
I would say that I have gotten really blessed to have another temperamentally easy going baby. Olivia tolerates us taking her places when she is napping and is generally a fairly chill baby. She doesn't cry very often (usually only when she is irritated in the carseat. She doesn't even cry at night just starts to make noises when she is awake and wants to eat. She loves getting her diapers changed too and smiles and coos at you, while most babies would cry. She also tolerates her big brother Brandon extrodinarily well as he is constantly petting her and kissing her and sometimes even yelling in her face while she is sleeping. I am so excited to see what this next month brings!
2 months old! |
Hi Mom! I am 2 months old |
Sweet smile at 2 months |
Serious look love the eyes |
Silly girl pulling up her dress! |
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