Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Easter 2020-Easter in quarantine

Easter in quarantine was quite a bit different this year.  Normally we have Easter egg hunts, baseball games, and soccer games during the weekend of Easter.  We usually go down to Eugene and spend Easter with Sean's family and even go to a fun egg hunt near their house.  This Easter weekend we had no activities obviously planned and all the public egg hunts were canceled.  I wanted to make Easter fun still for the kids and memorable especially since they had been through so much with just finding out that week that their school had been canceled for the rest of the year and not being able to spend it with friends and family.

I bought presents for the kids throughout the past few weeks on Amazon (luckily did it in advance so it arrived on time as the Amazon packaging was taking longer to get there).  I decided to do a fun scavenger hunt this year with clues around the house.  I got lots of little toys for the kids that they could find with their clues.  I mostly got Olivia LOL dolls, Num Noms, Shopkins, and other little blind bag toys that Olivia loves.  I got Brandon lots of Fortnite characters and Pokemon cards and even some cash for his clues.

I actually had quite a busy day on Saturday.  I went over to Brooke's house to get their hair scissors and ended up chatting with them out front for quite a bit.  The weather was super nice so they invited us to come over to get Brandon's haircut by Taylor (who was likely way better than Sean and I at it) and to sit outside 6 feet apart and have drinks.  We were super excited too see our friends again-our first time in seeing them in over a month!  My sister came over for a bit and we got to see them 6 feet apart. We gave Jasper Olivia's old bike and we got to see Juniper walk!  It was quite surreal to not be able to hug and touch my niece and nephew.  I went to New Seasons to do our weekly grocery shopping.  Unlike Fred Meyer, I felt quite safe at New Seasons who limited the amount of people into their stores early on.  Later they became the first store to require masks for shopping.  There was still quite a bit of food available at New Seasons although still no paper products!  We headed over to the Mowery's house and hung out with them for couple hours until 9:00.  The kids had fun running around the neighborhood together.  We tried to keep them 6 feet apart.  Taylor did a good job cutting both Brandon and Sean's hair.

Seeing Auntie Rachel, Jasper, and seeing Juniper walk! 
Taylor cutting Brandon's hair
Brandon's hair looked good!
That night, it took me a while to figure out the scavenger hunt clues for the kids.  We also had to hide all the Easter candy around the house and make sure to hide it high enough so that Teddy couldn't find it.  We decided to have the scavenger hunt later in the day so we could hide the clues and toys later and it would give something for the kids to look forward to.  I had all sorts of activities planned for the kids.  We made sugar cookie dough on Saturday so we had cookies to decorate and frost.  We also had the candy egg hunt in the morning. I had a fun Easter crossword puzzle for the kids and we had Easter eggs to dye (we were going to do Saturday night but went to the Mowery's house instead).

We woke up Easter Sunday to the kids waking us up all excited.  The Easter bunny had come and left them a basket with a toy from the Easter bunny.  Olivia got a fun rainbow slime kit and Brandon got a Fortnite gift card to buy skins for his Fortnite characters.  Lulu and Teddy even got little Easter character toys in their basket and a treat.

So excited to see her Easter baskets
Checking out what the Easter bunny left for her

So excited for Easter!
Opening up some of the goodies that the Easter bunny left her 
Brandon got into the festive mood too!
After the kids went through their Easter baskets we started the Easter egg hunt.  Sean and I had stuffed candy in all the little plastic eggs around the house.  The kids requested eggs both upstairs and downstairs and for it to be harder this year.  Sean really hide some well as we were finding them several days and weeks after!

She found an egg on the fridge
Brandon stopped to let me to take a picture of him
Searching the front door closet
Running up and down the stairs

Running so fast to get the eggs

Olivia loves candy hunts
Teddy and Lulu liked their toys the Easter bunny left them
All the loot
Brandon with all of his candy
After the egg hunt we had breakfast and then worked on making our sugar cookies.  The kids had fun cutting out the cookies and decorating them.  We also had fun doing the Easter crossword puzzle I found.  We also had fun decorating the Easter eggs in the late afternoon.  We did a fun Marble Easter dye kit this year.

Cookie rolling 
Brandon loves baking with me
Fun Crossword puzzle
Both kids liked making their Easter cookies 

Doing their favorite part-the frosting decorating

Easter egg dyeing is so fun!
The kids liked making their marble eggs this year
They turned out great!

We ended the night with a yummy steak dinner with one of our really good bottles of wine from when we were wine club members at Sokol Blosser.  We had been saving it for several years and it aged really well.  Sean made these awesome twice baked potatoes and we had a great salad with it.  I got half a Marionberry pie for dessert at New Seasons and a fun cupcake for Olivia.  It was warm enough to eat outside which was really nice.  Our patio was all clean because Sean just pressure washed the patio the day before.  After dinner I got some family pictures with my tripod (our first ones with the whole family and Teddy).  Then we got ready for the scavenger hunt.  The kids had a lot of fun running around our house inside and out looking for scavenger clues and their toys that accompanied the clues.  It was a hit this year!  We ended the night exhausted but happy-we definitely made the best of our quarantine Easter!

Such a yummy Easter dinner
Funny shot
We love our Pinot Noir from Sokol Blosser-a 2014
Sweet Olivia on Easter
The kids and Teddy
Love these three so much
Having fun in the backyard

Both dogs love the pool
Chasing each other outside
Olivia and I
Family shot with all the pooches
Love thees guys

Best family shot
Olivia and Daddy
Sean and the kids
Family shot Easter 2020
My sweeties 
Scavenger hunt in the backyard 
Searching for clues
Looking for clues outside 
Searching for clues 

Having fun on the scavenger hunt

She found a fun LOL doll!
Fortnite figurine
Decorated Easter cookies
How Teddy and I felt after Easter was over!

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