Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Camping Memorial Day weekend

Before COVID hit, Sean's parents had planned on going camping over Memorial Day weekend near Green Peter Lake just east of Sweet Home.  Sean's parents good friends were going camping as well next to us and they had a nice boat.  We were a bit nervous to have to share a public outhouse but were excited to finally leave the house after almost 3 months straight being stuck at home.  Sean's parents went down a day earlier than we did and were going to camp for 3 days.  We decided to camp Saturday and Sunday and come back Monday since we didn't have a lot of time off.  I was a bit nervous about how Teddy would do camping since he hadn't left the house much but he ended up doing great.  It was quite the ordeal getting all the items packed for camping.  The weather looked iffy earlier in the week and we almost didn't go but it ended up clearing up and was in the lows 70s and sunny most of the time but chilly the first night.  We had to grab the kids life jackets on the way in Walmart and we finally were off in the early afternoon!  Teddy whined a bit and then settled finally between the kids and right next to Lulu.

We got to the campsite in the mid afternoon and quickly set up our tent.  Brandon ended up going fishing with Bob (Sean's parents friend), Sean, and Anthony in the late afternoon.  They caught a lot of fish and had a good time.  They put the fish back into the lake though.  Olivia and I had fun walking the dogs around the campground and checking it out.  We made yummy hamburgers and then the boys came back and hung out by the fire and we had s'mores.  It was quite chilly that night and it was nice because Teddy snuggled right up against me near the campfire.  He is such a smuggler!  We went to bed fairly early because the boys were getting up early to go fishing.  

Lulu out in front of our tent
Snuggling with his snuggle puppy 
Hanging out by the picnic table
Exploring our campsite 
WE brought Teddy's crate and puppy pen 

Teddy hanging out in his crate taking a nap
Dinner time! 
Cuddling by the campfire

S'mores time! 

Teddy snuggled with Daddy too
The next day the boys got up early at 5:30 AM to go fishing.  I slept horrible the night before, I was freezing the entire night and couldn't get warm.  The girls got up around 8:30 AM and we had fun around the campground.  The boys came back pretty early from fishing and we all had breakfast together.  It finally warmed up and we spent the rest of the morning exploring near the campground-the kids found a salamander.  We ate lunch and then the kids, Pam, and I went on a fun girls' boat cruise out on the lake.  The kids had a lot of fun being out on the water and we got to bring one of Bob's 5 labradors-Regan out there with us.  He had named 4 of the 5 dogs out of President Regan's family members names.  We got back to camp and Brandon and Grammy cooked up his fish he caught.  We had yummy campfire stew and played games by the campfire and then all went to bed.  I slept much better that night as it was warmer.  We woke up the next morning and had breakfast and then packed up to go back home.  It was so nice to have left our house for the first time in almost 3 months overnight!  Lots of fun memories with Grammy and Papa!

Driving the boat 
So much fun driving the boat
He caught a fish!
Brandon and Papa fishing 
Beautiful views of the lake in the morning
Playing with Salamanders

Salamnder fun
Olivia was silly and got in Teddy's dog crate! 

The kids found a salamander on their walk

Hanging out by the campground 

Ready to go boating!

 On the water!
So much fun on the boat 
Cooking up Brandon's fish 

Saying goodbye to Grammy and Sweet Pea
Scootering around the campsite
Our campsite
Having fun out on the water
Teddy and Lulu had a blast camping

More pretty shots of the lake
Lulu and Sweet Pea got along well!
Teddy loves his Daddy

Monday, July 6, 2020

Mother's Day 2020

We normally spend Mother's Day in Corvallis celebrating my birthday and Mother's day together.  This year my parents came up the day before Mother's Day for my birthday celebration and I was able to give my mom her Mother's gift a day early-flowers from New Seasons, Moonstruck Chocolates, and a water bottle.  The kids let me sleep in on Mother's Day and I got read in bed which is a luxury.  Then Sean made me yummy fresh strawberry pancakes for breakfast and we got to eat outside.  It was another beautiful sunny day.  The kids got me cards and actually made stuff for me from school secretively which was very cute.  Brandon did a recording on why he loved me.  I got a Therabox-a monthly subscription for relaxing items like candles, face masks, and other household items.  It was fun getting stuff in the mail!  Then we had the Mowery's over and I got out the pool and we had a fun pool party in the backyard with popsicles.  Sean finished the day by making a yummy dinner.  It was a very good day!

I got some cute pictures with my kids at Sunset Park a few days before Mother's Day
The kids and I!
Such a wonderful breakfast 
Mother's Day brunch 
Teddy jumped in the pool 
Water dog!
Lulu checking Teddy out

Olivia practicing on her gymnastics bar
Popsicles up on the play structure
Swinging with Addie