Sunday, June 5, 2016

Easter 2016

This year Easter was quite early at the end of March . We had an Egg Hunt at Olivia's school at Rocking Horse and one scheduled at Stella Park in Sherwood for Brandon's school Horizon.  We also had Sean's parents coming to visit us for the weekend and then my mom and sister Tory coming up on Easter to spend a few hours with us before Tory flew back to California.  We made it to the Rocking Horse egg hunt on time and the kids had a lot of fun. They had some cute photo booths set up, the Easter bunny himself, and a fun activity where the kids got to stuff a stuffed animal (Brandon got a bumblebear and Olivia got a bunny) that was kind of like Build-A-Bear.  The kids were excited to get Easter eggs full of candy!

We ran over to Fred Meyer's to go grocery shopping for the weekend and unfortunately were a bit late to Brandon's egg hunt in Sherwood and it had already ended which was a bit sad for Brandon but he did get to hung at Olivia's school with the kindergarteners.  Then Sean's parents arrived and we hung out in the afternoon and went to the gardening shop as I was planning my garden and I bought some herbs, carrots, and strawberries.  We went out to dinner at Old Market Pub.  Then we came back and dyed Easter eggs with Grammy and Papa.  The kids were so excited for the Easter bunny to come the next day so it was hard to get them to sleep.

The next morning, the kids woke up and ran downstairs and the Easter bunny had come!  The Easter bunny left the kids each a Easter basket with a little present (Olivia got a toddler Anna doll and a Rainbow Dash My little Pony) and Brandon got the Super Mario Bros. for the Wii.  The kids had a ton of fun running around the house looking for eggs that contained candy it in that the Easter bunny had hidden.  Then afterwards, Auntie Tory and CiCi came up for a yummy brunch that Sean made.  The kids loved seeing Auntie Tory and showing her the house.  It was a very fun Easter!

Olivia super excited to go Egg hunting for candy
Easter bunny came and delivered a Rainbow dash 
Running around the house looking for eggs
Egg hunting !
Once Liv found that candy was in the eggs she got real excited 
Liv pout-gotta love it! 
Brandon excited to look for eggs
Eating candy all ready!
Brandon and Sweet Pea 
Brandon loves his sweet pea!
Auntie Tory came to visit for Easter!
Auntie Tory!
Auntie Tory took this cute picture of these two on Easter

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