Wednesday, March 8, 2017

A typical weekend in January

I thought it would be good to update what a typical weekend is like for us in January.  On Saturday, Olivia has gymnastics at 9:45 AM and sometimes Brandon comes with me so he can hang out with Logan and usually Sean will work out or Brandon will stay home with Sean.  It is nice for Brooke and I to catch up and we usually go to Starbucks and hang out while the girls have fun at gymnastics.  We get home and hang out for a few hours and then usually go grocery shopping.  Then we get home and have friends over or hang out until dinner time.  Then its bath time and then bed time.  The kids are usually in bed 8:30 and are usually asleep soon after due to no naps.  
Olivia playing with her toys one weekend in January
She loves her Barbies
Bike riding after school one day
Ballet class make up!
Brandon and Dad movie time on Saturday  afternoon  to see Batman Lego movie
Bike riding one weekend afternoon

Crazy hair picture taken by Daddy
Sundays:  We get up and usually have a big breakfast all together and then hang out before we get ready for swim lessons and basketball which both begin at 12:00 PM.  Usually I take Olivia to her swim lessons and Sean takes Brandon to basketball.  Sometimes Olivia and I try to rush back to watch the end of Brandon’s basketball game.  Sometimes Brandon has a classmate’s birthday party after basketball. Then we get home and usually do something as a family together like going to OMSI or going to Sky High or hanging out with friends.  Then it is time to make dinner and then get ready for bed as the school week is starting all over again. Throw in the fact that I am usually doing laundry all day long Sunday as well.
Hatchanimal hatching!
Brandon and his Hatchanimal
Brandon used his money he saved up to get a Hatchanimal 
Coaxing the Hatchanimal out
Tapping the egg
Watching Moana in 3D
Playing basketball on Sunday
Sky High trip earned by the kids for getting 100 stars on their Behavior Chart 
OMSI trip in January 

We did the submarine tour-super cool!
Inside the submarine
Playing at the kids room in OMSI

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