We had Brandon's birthday on Saturday December 6th this year, the weekend after Thanksgiving. I arranged to have the Tumble Bus, a school bus that has an open gym, come to our house for 45 minutes for the kids to have some gymnastics fun. Brandon could have up to 10 kids on the tumble bus so he chose to invite all the boys in his class and his friend Claire in the class along with his friend Piper (from soccer and Logan's neighbor) and Logan. Six out of the nine kids invited were able to come including Javin, Gavin, Piper, Logan, Claire, and Andrew. Our good friends Ben and Rosie were able to come as well along with my mom and dad (Brandon's CiCi and Baba). We celebrated the weekend before with Sean's side of the family over Thanksgiving. We did a Transformers themed birthday party (Brandon's choice as he loves the Transformer Rescue Bots show). I had a shirt made for him from Easy that his name on it and the four Rescue Bots around the number 4. The kids had a lot of fun on the Tumble Bus doing various gymnastics.
Rescue Bot decorations! |
Snacks and Transformers |
I made the cupcakes from scratch myself and bought the Transformers rings on Amazon |
Transformers themed dining table |
Various decorations |
Tumble bus fun with his buds! |
Balancing on the beam |
Balancing together with his good bud Gavin |
Brandon on the beam with his good friend Andrew |
Excited to do some more gymnastics |
Hand stands! |
Jumping on the trampoline |
The trampoline was a hit! Claire had a lot of fun |
Going on the monkey bars |
Swinging like a Monkey |
Brandon and his best friend from school Andrew |
Brandon and Logan having fun |
So much fun! |
At the end playing popcorn on the trampoline |
After the Tumble Bus was over, the kids came inside and had some snacks and cider. Then they opened up presents. Brandon was so excited for the presents and it was cute because each kid was so excited to give him their present. He then opened them all up and they all played with them. Brandon got some really nice presents this year including a Bat Mobile car from Andrew, a Monster Camo truck from Javin, Super hero flip cars from Gavin, a Transformer Grimlock Dinosaur from Claire, a Transformers Hero Masher Megatron from Logan, dinosaurs from Piper, a Dusty figurine and a Switch 2 Go dino from Rosie, two Dr. Seuss books from Ben, and a Chutes and Ladders Super Hero squad game from Brendan and Sara. He also got a huge remote control Batman robot that transforms from a robot to Batmobile from CiCi and Baba.
Miss Olivia slept through the entire Tumble Bus part but woke up for the inside party fun |
Fun balloons! |
Birthday boy! |
Present time! It was a mob scene! |
We had a huge Transformer Bumble Bee Pinata that was filled with candy. You were supposed to be able to pull the string and it would release but for some reason it did not work very well. Luckily Uncle Ben came in and ripped it apart for the kiddos.
Olivia loves candy, she got a sucker too |
Homemade cupcakes and frosting yum! |
Singing happy birthday and he made a wish! |
Cupcake time! Chocolate and Funfetti |
All of Brandon's friends |
Opening up CiCi and Baba's present |
A Batmobile Robot! |
Goodbye hug to Uncle Ben |
I can't believe my little boy is four! We had such a fun celebration. Thank you to everyone for being a part of making Brandon's day so special.
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