Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Fun hot first week in June, Last T-ball Game, and Mini Olympics

The weekend after Memorial Day it was super hot in Portland.  It got up to 100 degrees! My hydrangea bushes were blooming nicely despite the heat.  Our garden started to bear some fruit and Olivia was excited to find the first raspberry on our bush that I planted on the side of the house.  I got a fire pit for our backyard after having so fun using Dawn and Jose's at their house.  I also got out the pools I had boughten earlier in the spring.  This year I got a large neon light pool and then a smaller turtle pool.  We still had our plastic pool that the kids loved sliding down the slide into.  The kids had a blast swimming in both pools and they loved making s'mores on the campfire in the fire pit.  

Beautiful flowers in front of our kitchen nook
Liv in front of my flowers
Finding the first raspberry
Tasting it!
It was good mom!
Fire pit that I assembled!
Backyard pools set up ready for the heat
Love our backyard
All set up for the heat!
View of the b backyard 
Enjoying the fire pit
Fire pit going and the kiddos having a blast in their playground
Neon lights!
Time for s'mores 
Watch out nude Olivia!
Doing some "Night Swimming"
Brandon picking the first strawberry
On Saturday June 4th, Brandon had his last Little League T-ball game of the season.  It was so fun to see how far all the kids had come since they started playing 3 months earlier.  This was definitely Brandon's first really organized sport (he had played soccer in the fall but it was on a much smaller scale basically 3 on 3).  His T-ball league had 3-4 coaches and all the positions were filled.  On his last game, Brandon was able to hit with the coaches' pitching to him and had several really good hits and fielding plays.  He got a trophy and they had a little party after the game which was fun.

Brandon on his last T-ball game with a teammate 
Watching his team play
Batting time
Good form there Brandon!
Hit up the line!
Logan and Brandon with their trophies at the end of the game
Olivia on the same day had gymnastics and they were gearing up for the WestSide Gymnastics Academy's Mini Olympics which was the next weekend.  Olivia's gymnastics academy is so big that they had 4 Mini Olympics sessions!  Of course Olivia's class was right during her nap time!  On Sunday we got the slip n slide out and the kids loved playing with that.  We also got the kids bikes out and I was really impressed to see Olivia conquer her trike.  She definitely was ready for a big bike with training wheels!  Brandon's class at Horizon that week got to go on a really fun field trip to Build a Bear and Brandon made a really cute SuperBear.

Slip n slide!
Dominating her trike!
Crazy fast girl on her trike
Brandon's school field trip to Build-A-Bear
The following weekend of June 11th, Sean's parents came down for the weekend and got to come to Olivia's Mini Olympics.  Olivia was so excited for her Olympics and despite there being crazy traffic on the way there we got there on time.  Brendan and Sara also came to watch.  I was surprised at how many people came to the Olympics.  The gym was crammed full of people, there must have been close to 500 people!  I got to stay with Olivia the whole time since it was a Parent-Child class.  I was kind of dreading the Olympics thinking that Olivia wouldn't like it at all since most of the parents did not sign the kiddos up in her class (there was only 3 of us) but Olivia loved the entire Olympics.  She had a huge grin on her face and loved having people watch her perform.  She saw the big girls pointing their toes and waving and started emulating them!  She also got a ton of one-on-one time with her gymnastics teacher since there were only 3 of them and the Olympics lasted almost 1.5 hours.  She started off doing her floor routine.  Then she moved to the rings and bars and then the beam and then finally the trampoline at the end.  She loved every second of it and looked adorable in her leotard that she got for performing in the Olympics.  Proud mommy and Olivia moment and she has already said she can't wait for next year's Mini Olympics.  

Holding herself up on the rings with help from her teacher
Baby bars!
Getting her feet up to the bars for a hang 

She loves the bars! 
Koala climb
Hand stand
Super girl move!
Nailing her landing!
Bar time!
Seriously a little monkey on the bars
Toe touch to the bars
Medal time! 
Looking at her medal!
Mommy and Liv selfie post-Mini Olympics 

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