The week after school started, Olivia started soccer with I9 sports. Brooke and I thought that it would be fun for the girls to be on the same team and to play soccer outside so we signed up for a 3-5 year old league thinking that the girls would be in the middle age wise. Unfortunately, most of the kids they played with and against were 5 and in kindergarten. Some were even 6 as they had fall birthdays! This made it challenging for Olivia who was barely 4 and had not played soccer before. She enjoyed playing with her team and was fast and liked running around but was timid going after the ball. It helped that there was another girl on her team besides Addie and a really good boy named Cooper who was 5. Olivia had practices on Saturday morning for 30 minutes at 9:00 then followed by a 30 minute game. It was a perfect amount of time for kids that age.
Practicing with her teammates |
Addie and Olivia on the soccer field |
Olivia and Addie playing their first game |
Hanging out with her teammates |
Taking a break during half time |
Olivia all ready to go to soccer |
Soccer game fun~! |
We also decided to sign Olivia up for Jazz, Tap, Tumble at Westside Gymnastics on Thursday mornings at 9:30 AM. This was something for her to do before my mom got there and my mom could meet us at Westside and take her home from there. Olivia also was missing her dance class at Rocking Horse as her dance teacher moved it to Thursdays and she is usually home with my mom on Thursdays. She seems to like her dance class especially the tumble and the tap but seems to be liking gymnastics more. Olivia moved up to the 4s and 5s gymnastics class at Westside with Addie on Sundays and was thrilled that she had her teacher from last year, Teacher Stephanie. It is really nice to go to gymnastics on Sundays instead of Saturdays, way less crazy!
All ready for Jazz, Tap, Tumble |
Jazz, Tap, Tumble dance class |
Olivia had to get a small cavity filled on her tooth the Thursday after school started that the doctor thought was injured and formed. She was a trooper and we were able to just do the laughing gas and they were able to fill it. We were glad that she did so well during it.
Olivia getting her cavity filled-such a trooper |
Brandon started Rec Soccer through Tigard Youth Soccer a week before school started. He has practices on Monday and Wednesdays and then games on Saturdays. He is on his best bud Colton and Riley's team and is having a blast! Their team is the GraNinjas (apparently a Pokemon character). It great to see Brandon having so much fun playing soccer and exercising.
Brandon having a blast playing soccer |
Brandon scored several goals on his first game |
Hustling hard after the ball |
More fun playing soccer |
Running hard after the ball |
Running hard after the ball |
The Sunday after school started we went down to McMinnville to meet up with my sister Rachel and Jasper and Patrick at the Brew and Q Festival down there. They had a bunch of very good local beers and BBQ food. It was super yummy and fun. We only wished that it went later (it closed an hour than we thought it would).
Cheers at the Brew & Que |
Olivia at the Brew and Q festival |
Both kids adjusted pretty well to school starting back up again. It took Brandon a little while to get used to his new teacher, Mrs. Lambert. He missed his kindergarten teacher Mrs. Borrelli a lot but after a few weeks was back into a routine at school. It helped that he had several good friends from Mrs. Borrelli's class in his class this year. Olivia adjusted very well to all day kindergarten. She lost her nap at school and was tired for the first couple weeks but we adjusted her bed time and she began sleeping in later, which was nice. She was excited to go to school each day and loved sharing with us each day who was in the red, yellow, and green in the glass as Ms. Lincoln puts the kids names on Popsicle sticks next to the sign each day and they get a coin if they are in green.
I had to have foot surgery again on my right foot for a strange growth on the bottom of my big toe on Wednesday September 13th. Last year, I had to have surgery on my left pinky toe for a hammer toe. This year's surgery was unrelated (but very annoying). My mom came and took me to the day surgery center and I went under anthesisa and they were able to remove the mass. Apparently it was quite complicated as it was attached to my tendon and they biopsy it and it turned out it was a benign cyst which was a relief! Anyways, I was not allowed to drive for two week since it was on my right foot and I had crutches and was told to stay off of it for 2 weeks. After 2 weeks, the healing went pretty well and I was able to drive and wear my running shoes again. I was bummed to miss out the beautiful fall weather we were having for two weeks. Sean did drive me to the kids' soccer games so I got to watch those and I did plan some fun crafts around the house.
Brandon having fun playing in the tent with the Littlest Pet Shop |
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