I don't think any one can prepare you how tired you are right after you have a baby. Not only is your body recuperating from a hard pregnancy and birth, on top of that you have a baby who is waking up every two to three hours to eat. I became obsessed with how much milk Brandon ate, how many stools and pee diapers he had. I had a chart with when he ate and how much, when he pooped and peed. I kept track of everything. I was worried he wasn't eating enough and then wouldn't sleep enough.
First morning home with my Brandon |
I made the determination and commitment that I was going to breast feed Brandon before he was born. I thought it would come naturally and didn't even take a class on breast feeding. I thought it would be natural and easy. Right after he was born, Brandon latched right on and started breast feeding right away and I thought it would be easy. However, him and I struggled with it for a good week. I was having problems getting him comfortable and different positions with holding him. I went to the Lactation Clinic twice and they helped a lot.
I was lucky to have Sean off work for all of December to help me. We tried to get out of the house and do stuff during the day, like going to the store or out to eat. We both learned together how to take care of Brandon. We also devised a schedule so I could at least get a little bit of sleep every night. I would feed Brandon around 7:30-8:00 and then go to bed and if I was lucky would get about 3 hours of sleep (usually 2) and then feed Brandon again and then go back to sleep until Sean would wake me to feed Brandon again before he went to bed. I then took care of Brandon in the mornings letting Sean sleep in. At Brandon's two week doctor appointment, he had gained back all his birth weight and a few extra ounces and weighed in at 9 lbs 3 ounces and was 22 inches tall. He was in the 92% in height and 66% in weight at 2 weeks.
Our happy little family a few days after Brandon was born |
Brandon's first bath-he did not enjoy it much |
When Brandon was almost 3 weeks old, I joined the Sherwood YMCA's New Mom's Group. The group was an awesome support network for me and I learned and made friends with a lot of new moms in the area. I am still good friends with one of them, Samantha and her daughter Gianna who is 1 month older than Brandon.
My parents also visited about a week after Brandon was born and my mom stayed for two nights and then Pam stayed for 3 nights after that. I was brave and got Brandon's pictures taken at JC Penny's when he was two weeks old.
Brandon's favorite spot on my Dad's belly |
Brandon and my mom snuggling |
JC Penny photos at 2 weeks |
At 3 weeks, we left the house and traveled down to Corvallis for 4 nights for Christmas. My sisters finally got to meet Brandon too! We had a great time in Corvallis for Christmas but I remember being really tired. Brandon was sleeping about 3 hour stretches during the night and was waking up to eat about every 2-3 hours and was nursing about 10-12 times a day! I felt like my whole day was spent breast feeding! Brandon loved being bounced on the bouncy exercise ball and being rocked. Brandon disliked not being able to poop and getting his diapers changed. Brandon loved it when we talked to him and he really liked to lay on Sean and Grandpa Larson's tummy. By the end of December, Brandon was holding his head up well and he could scoot using his legs on Sean's stomach. We had a great first Christmas with Brandon surrounded by family.
Auntie Tory and Brandon dressed in stripes |
Auntie Rachel and Brandon decorating Christmas cookies together |
Dawn came down and visited us |
Sean's cousin Neil saw Brandon |
Cuddled up on Grammy Pammy |
I was sad when the Christmas holidays were over as all the help I had with family was suddenly gone and Sean was going to be going back to work soon. We celebrated New Year's Eve at Brooke and Taylor's house with Brooke, Taylor, Rosie, and Thomas. We ate fondue and played board games. Sean, Brandon, and I all made it to midnight to celebrate the start of 2011.
Our happy family on New Year's Eve, ready to bring in 2011! |
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