Friday, November 18, 2011

Brandon: The seventh month (June 2011)

At six months, Brandon weighed 19 pounds 7.5 ounces and was 27 ½ inches tall.  He was in the 85% in height and 83% in weight.  This month, Brandon usually sleeps through the night and sleeps from about 8:30 PM to 7:00 AM.   Brandon also began to have a consistent nap schedule this month where he would take a morning nap around 9:00 AM and then an afternoon nap at 1:00 PM and then usually an evening cat nap around 5:30 PM when he got home from day care.  I continued to visit and nurse Brandon at day care during my lunch breaks.

Enjoying himself on a walk

On a warm June day

Sitting in our front lawn
Playing on his play mat
Brandon eats solids now twice a day and has tried all the single Stage 1 foods even meat!  Brandon still nurses about 5-6 times a day, about every three hours.  Brandon loves foods that have apples in them and we tried Stage 2 foods with him this month.  Brandon does not like thicker foods yet like mashed bananas.  He likes all of his foods to be pureed.   He learned how to hold the bottle in his hands too this month.

Playing on the couch

Brandon likes being outside

Dressed up in the Oregon Ducks jersey

Such a cutie on our bed
Brandon can sit up now easily on his own and can reach and play with his toys.  He still loves to put everything in his mouth.  He still loves his Rain Forest play mat and loves cars now that he can push on the ground.  He still really likes his Jumperoo and Exersaucer.  He also loves taking baths this month.  Brandon also said “da da” this month and “ga ga” and became much more vocal.  Toward the end of the month, Brandon learned how to pick up food with his fingers better (the pincher grasp) and learned to “commando crawl” with his arms.  This month we became friends with Allison who was in one of my new Mom’s Groups and her son Jack who is 2 weeks older than Brandon.  

Swinging for the first time with Grandma and Grandpa at Cook Park

Enjoying the new "big boy" bath tub from Ikea

Bubble beard

Love playing in the tub

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