At 10 months, Brandon was 23 pounds 9 ounces and 31 1/8" tall according to my measurements. Brandon is still napping twice a day usually around 9:30 AM and 1:30 PM and bed time is at 8:30 and he usually sleeps until 7:00-7:30 AM. Brandon now nurses about four times a day and eats solids three times a day with a few snacks in between. Some new foods Brandon likes this month is scrambled eggs, pasta, and pancakes. Brandon can say "ma ma" and "da da" and he looks at us when he says it.
Brandon playing with his activity stand |
Brandon loves all remotes |
Brandon gets into everything. He cruises all over the place and can pull up easily on furniture. He can also stand on his without holding onto anything for short periods of time. He can open and close doors and loves climbing the stairs. We have gates on both the bottom and top of our stairs in fear of him falling.
We took Brandon to Lee Family Farms which had a Harvest Festival. We went through a hay maze, went on a hay ride, Sean took Brandon down a huge slide which he loved, Brandon got his face painted, and Sean jumped while holding Brandon in his arms on the trampoline. Needless to say Brandon had a blast! My parents and I took Brandon to the Davis Family Farm in Corvallis to pick out a pumpkin for Halloween. Brandon had a great time then too.
After getting his face painted |
Brandon next to a huge pumpkin |
Grandma and Grandpa Larson, me and Brandon on our hay ride to get our pumpkin |
That's a big pumpkin Brandon found! |
We went to Las Vegas for 5 nights for my CPCU conferment (a insurance designation I got). State Farm paid for the entire trip. Brandon did great traveling but did not do great on the plane. He wanted to move every where. The weather was awesome in Vegas (about 85 degrees) while we were there. We had a great time swimming with Brandon, going out to eat good food, seeing the sites, and shopping. We did a little gambling and lost most of our money of course.
Brandon enjoying Caesar's Palace's Buffet |
Brandon enjoying himself at the Caesar's Palace pool |
Family shot! |
Brandon and I at the Caesar's Palace pool |
My little water bug |
Out in front of the Trevi fountain |
Believe it or not this was a "child's size" pancake! |
Out in front of Paris Casino |
Brandon loved looking at the lights at the Eiffel Tower |
Brandon's first Halloween costume was a green and yellow dragon costume I found at Costco. Logan ended up with the same costume as well. He was so cute! I dressed him up his costume for Daycare that morning (he goes for half days on Mondays). All of his daycare friends thought he looked so cute. I took pictures of him before I went to work. Since Halloween was on a Monday, Sean had to work. I kept Brandon dressed up and we handed out candy to the neighborhood kids. Brandon got so excited to see all the little kids dressed up. He has been really into opening up doors (once they are already open) and kept opening the door for them.
Our neighborhood is notorious for having tons of kids for Halloween and we ran out of candy by 6:40 PM so we went trick or treating on our way over to Rosie and Thomas' house who are now practically our neighbors, just a 5 minute short walk to their house. I brought over some pumpkin beers for Rosie and I and we enjoyed watching Brandon play with Dixie their new retriever and explore their house. It ended up being a fun night!
My little Dragon excited to go trick or treating!
My smiling boy in his costume on his way to daycare on Halloween.
Brandon going down our front steps in his costume
Brandon and I toward the end of the night at Rosie's house
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