Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Brandon: The third month (February 2011)

Brandon weighed at 13 lbs 13.5 ounces at two months and was 24 1/4" tall.  He was in the 85% in height and 90% in weight.  During February, Brandon slept through the night (about 9 1/2 hours) three times and usually got up to eat about once a night toward the early morning.  Brandon nurses about 6-7 times a month now.  He smiles now at people and laughs.  He also bats at toys and uses his hands more now.  Brandon also learned how to roll over from his tummy to back.  Brandon makes more sounds and likes to be talked to.  We also transitioned Brandon into his own room and his crib this month (before he had been sleeping in our room in his bouncy chair or Pack N Play).  Brandon dislikes being hungry, tired, and likes to be held.  His favorite toys are his rain forest play mat, looking at the lights and grabbing at some of the toys.

JC Penny's photos at 10 weeks

All bundled up for a walk

Laying on Daddy

Playing under the play mat

Brandon had quite a few frog outfits

Relaxing in his bouncing chair
I joined another New Mom's Group at St. Vincent's that I went to on Thursdays.  Brandon and I started to get into a routine.  We would get up and usually go to a New Mom's Group or meet with Samantha and Gianna at the mall in the morning and then came back home and usually Sean was up.  Then we would spend time with Sean until he went to work.  I began working out again with Sean watching Brandon in the afternoon.

Brandon after a bath

Sleeping in his bouncy chair once again

Mom are you taking my picture again?

Amara and Brandon

So small in his car seat (now he barely fits in it)

Fast asleep on the couch

Brandon and I went to visit my parents in Corvallis in February for 4 days.  It was nice to have company since Sean was working so much and to have some help with Brandon.  Brandon did great at my parents house.  It is really special watching my parents interact with Brandon and getting to spend time with him.  We are lucky they are so close by.  Brandon also snow for the first time at my parents' house as we got a surprise snow storm!
Brandon snuggled up on my mom
Brandon and I during our visit to Corvallis

Nap time for Brandon and Grandma
Brandon slept in his own room and crib in February 
Brandon and I toward the end of February

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