Friday, March 29, 2019

A trip to Corvallis, Snow, and the Sweetheart Daddy Daughter Dance in February

In early February, the kids and I took a trip down to Corvallis for a 3 day weekend they had (they didn't have school on Monday).  We left right after Olivia's gymnastics on Saturday morning and met my parents at the Oregon State Gymnastics meet, they were playing UCLA who had several USA olympic gymnasts.  It was really fun watching the gymnasts and Olivia liked seeing what all of her gymnastic training could get her to.  It was also fun going to Gill Coliseum again (lots of fond memories there).  We brought Lulu to visit Cici and Baba's house and her and Pumpkin got a long great.  We went out to Frozen yogurt and played at my old elementary school Hoover Elementary.

Fun at the OSU gymnastics meet
Lulu and Pumpkin in the backyard playing
Lulu on the deck
Playing at Hoover

On Sunday, my sister came down with Jasper as she and her husband Patrick were not feeling well and needed some help with Jasper.  The kids had fun with Jasper and had a cooking contest with ingredients in the house.  Rachel and Jasper stayed the night and we left mid day on Monday to get back home.  On the way home it began snowing.  We made it home and it stopped snowing but then began snowing again harder later that day.  They at first had a late start for the kids and then decided to cancel school all together.  The snow was very pretty first thing in the morning but was a light dusting and the kids were sad that they couldn't really sled in it.

 Making their cooking contest items

All pooped out! 
Sound asleep puppy
First batch of February snow (of many)

The next morning the kids woke up to this!
Lulu was just as excited as the kids were 

Sledding in our backyard 
Snow in my beard-don't care!
Hot chocolate time!
In search of snow-by mid morning it was mostly gone 

Olivia and Lulu 
Lulu loves Olivia
Lulu also loves mommy
The kids went back to school on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday that week although I believe they may have had a late start on Thursday with another dusting of snow.  There was supposed to be a huge storm that was coming in Friday evening (the night of the Alberta Rider Sweetheart dance) but luckily they did not cancel the dance.  Brandon and I picked out a new cute dress for Olivia from Costco for the dance and Daddy brought her home a McDonald's Happy Meal (her favorite).  She went to dance with Addie and Taylor and had a good time dancing.  After the dance her, Addie, and Taylor went out to Frozen Yogurt.  It was a really fun night for them!

All pretty in pink for the Sweetheart Dance

Olivia and Daddy before the dance
Dancing with friends
Olivia and Daddy dancing

Olivia and her friend Avery in her class
Dancing away with friends
Brandon and I went to Crazy Sushi for dinner and got stocked up on groceries for the winter storm that never materialized.  Olivia and I were disappointed there was only a light dusting of snow and her gymnastics the next morning was not canceled.

Crazy Sushi yum!

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