Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Brandon birthday letter and update-8 years old!

Dear Brandon, March 18, 2019

I write you this birthday letter a few months late.  It has been a busy holiday season for us and then we headed to Sun River after the holidays.  You had a very fun birthday and I can’t believe you are 8.  You are still very large and tall-you weigh about 86 lbs and are 57” tall.  You wear a size 6 shoes which is a woman’s 8!  You are wearing mostly size 10 clothes and 8 or 10 pants.  You love wearing athletic clothes and hate wearing jeans.  You love dri-fit clothes and sporty clothes.  We had fun taking you to the Nike Employee Store.
You are loving school still.  You are super easy going and once you get into a routine and rhythm at school you are comfortable.  You love your 2nd grade teacher Mrs. Tabor.  The only complaint Mrs. Tabor sometimes has about you is that you talk a little too much.  You are kind to everyone and a good friend.  You are also pretty good natured still with your friends.  You are doing great in school-you are in the highest reading group and math group.  This year you seem to love science more and are excited to share new science facts that you learn.  You also ramped up the homework this year with science tests a few times a quarter and weekly spelling tests.  You don’t like doing your homework but you do well on your tests. 
Your best friends are still Colton and Riley and Logan.  You are happy that Colton and Riley joined Cub Scouts with you this year along with your friend Ishan who is in your class this year.  You are friendly though and have quite a few friends.  You really like Silas who was on your baseball team last year and who is in your class this year.  Sometimes you two get in trouble for talking so much.  You have had a lot of fun with John who lives in our neighborhood and had your first sleep over with him (away from your house).  You were up at 4:00 AM that morning but otherwise did fairly well.  
You are still quite active.  You started Flag Football this year in the fall and did 3 basketball leagues in the winter and are doing baseball again in the spring.  You enjoy the social aspect of playing sports with your friends.  You also did several after school sporting classes well.  
You entered a phase where you talk back a bit more and challenge us a bit more but you are still overall a really sweet and easy kid.  You are still quite cuddly with us when you want to be.  You have grown a lot closer with your sister this year as she transitioned to going to the same school as you and you guys getting to spend more time together after school.  You love playing video games, cooking with us, playing with Lulu, playing card games like Exploding Kittens and Sushi Go with us, and playing Clue and Chess.  I love you so much and can’t wait to see what next year brings.  Can’t believe we are getting closer to double digits!
Love you,

p.s. Here are some of my favorite pictures of you as 7 by month!

Snow cave fun at Aubrey Lodge
Rocking with mom at the Mother/Son dance!
Holding a spider monkey!
Awesome fun zip lining on one of the best days of your life you declared!
Love this sweet picture of you! 
Easter egg hunting in April! 
First Mariners game with mom in May
June berry picking with Olivia!
Climbing trees in July at Cub Scout camp 
Funny bubble beard at the coast in August
Fun times at the zoo in late August! 
Getting Lulu in late August
First day of school in September with your Lulu Bear 
First bought of football in September
Taking Lulu to the pumpkin patch in late September 
Link costume fun at the zoo in October
You and Lulu in late October
Dribbling away in November during basketball season
Sushi birthday celebration in October

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