Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Mother-Son dance at Alberta Rider

Brandon's elementary school had a mother/son dance on the first Friday of March.  Brooke and I planned on going together for a quick dinner with the boys before the dance.  Since we were short on time we just went to Subway which both boys enjoyed.  Brandon picked out both of our clothes for the dance.  He had good taste!  The dance started at 6:30 and went to 8:00 PM.  Most of the time the boys just ran around and played with each other in the cafeteria.  There was refreshments and cookies and other sweets.  The boys did come in and dance occasionally and the DJ was good.  Most of the moms just enjoyed talking to each other.  We did get cute pictures taken with a photographer which was fun.  It was a fun evening and I enjoyed spending it with Brandon!

Shot outside our home
Logan and Brandon before the dance
Our silly shot
Brandon and I at the dance!

The next day we went with Brandon's cub scout pack Aubrey Lodge near Mt. Hood to go sledding with his pack.  The lodge is very old (I believe at least 50-75 years old) and is owned by the Boy Scouts.  Brandon's pack got use a section of the lodge and we got to store our gear and have a picnic there.  The whole week before we went it snowed quite a bit and so there was tons of fresh snow.  The snow was so high that it came up almost to Olivia's waist!  We got to take the whole family and had a blast tubing down the hills.  The only problem was there was no fancy machine to take us up the hill so we had to walk up it the old fashion way.  After the lunch the kids tubed some more and then built snowman and went into ice caves that other scouts had made.  We ended up leaving mid afternoon and stopped at our favorite restaurant, Mt. Hood Brewery on our way back into town.  It was a very fun day especially since we did not get to play in the snow as much this year (unlike last year with all the snow days we had).

Look at how high the snow was!
Hiking to the lodge! 
Snow was as high as Olivia's waist
Path to the lodge
Resting in the snow

Sean tubing 

Olivia had a blast tubing
Brandon had a lot of fun with his friends 
Brandon and Logan tubing
Resting on Daddy in the sun
Brandon had a blast
Brandon having a blast in the snow tunnel
Brandon and Logan in the snow tunnel
Snow tubing hill
Building the snowman together 
Sean and Olivia on the walk back to the car, the snow was so high!

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